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Literacy Program – Literacy programming assists students in Grade 7 to 9 who demonstrate low to average cognitive ability and significant academic delays. Programming helps students to learn and use important skills in areas of literacy, numeracy, citizenship and employment.

Classes focus on literacy and mathematics and applying these skills to life situations. Students also study specific concepts and skills drown from social studies and science. They learn about careers, health and safety and life skills. Options are also available for students.

Contact the principal to discuss you child’s abilities, achievement, interests, behaviour and needs. Edith Rogers School will provide information on the Literacy Program eligibility and programming options.

EPSB Literacy Information


The Opportunity Program - gives support to students who demonstrate mild cognitive disabilities and significant academic delays. Programming emphasizes development of literacy and numeracy skills and the application of important academic, social, work and life skills in the classroom, school and community. The program fosters student independence. Students are supported in smaller-sized classes by teachers with training in special education.

Contact the principal to discuss your child’s abilities, achievement, interests, behaviour and needs. Edith Rogers School will provide information on the Opportunity Program eligibility and programming options.

EPSB Opportunity Information


Connections - This programming supports students displaying chronic, extreme and pervasive behaviours. Students require close and constant adult supervision and a high level of structure to function in an educational setting. The goals of the program are to develop and demonstrate positive behaviour and social skills and achieve academic goals that are set. The program aims to improve problem-solving skills, self-management and coping skills. 

Contact the principal to discuss your child’s abilities, achievement, interests, behaviour and needs. Edith Rogers School will provide information on the BLA Program eligibility and programming options.

EPSB Connections Information